While the number of auto drivers and passengers in the United States killed in accidents has declined for the third year in a row, dangers to those outside of motor vehicles remains constant. Every day, pedestrians and bicyclists are injured and killed in accidents caused by distracted and negligent drivers. The Governors Highway Safety Association estimates that in 2018, 6,227 pedestrian fatalities occurred in the United States, representing the highest number in nearly thirty years, and a four [...]

Many people think that estate plans are for someone else, not them. They may rationalize that they are too young or don't have enough money to reap the tax benefits of a plan. But as the following list makes clear, estate planning is for everyone, regardless of age or net worth. 1. Loss of capacity. What if you become incompetent and unable to manage your own affairs? Without a plan the courts will select the person to manage your affairs. With a plan, you pick that person through a power of [...]

Parents want their children to be taken care of after they die. But children with disabilities have increased financial and care needs, so ensuring their long-term welfare can be tricky. Proper planning by parents is necessary to benefit the child with a disability, including an adult child, as well as assist any siblings who may be left with the caretaking responsibility. Special Needs Trusts The best and most comprehensive option to protect a loved one is to set up a special needs trust (also [...]

Each year, thousands of workers across New York State are injured in construction site accidents. The physical, emotional, and financial costs associated with these accidents can be devastating to workers and their loved ones. Fortunately, New York State Labor Laws give injured workers and their families the chance to obtain full compensation for their injuries. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, construction site accidents are one of the leading causes of workplace [...]

After a Medicaid recipient dies, the state must attempt to recoup from his or her estate whatever benefits it paid for the recipient's care. This is called "estate recovery." For most Medicaid recipients, their house is the only asset available, but there are steps you can take to protect your home. Life estates For many people, setting up a "life estate" is the simplest and most appropriate alternative for protecting the home from estate recovery. A life estate is a form of joint ownership of [...]

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